Recommended Bibliography
Scientific Research Committee of the Idōkan Poland Association (IPA) and IMACSSS recommend the literature connected with science of martial arts.
Record in IPA Style.
I. Periodicals under auspices of IMACSSS
1. “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology” -
II. Biblioteka Lykeion / The Lykeion Library (edition of the IPA)
1. vol. „Scientific Year’s Issue Idō – Movement for Culture” [in Polish], Rzeszów 2000.
2. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture” [Polish/English], 2001.
3. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2002/2003.
4. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2004.
5. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2005.
6. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2006.
7. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2007.
8. vol. „Idō – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2008.
9. vol. - Cynarski W.J. [ed.] (2009), Martial Arts & Combat Sports – Humanistic Outlook, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego / Rzeszów University Press, Rzeszów [monograph – collected work in English].
10. vol. - Cynarski W.J. (2009), Martial Arts - IDŌ & IDŌKAN, autoedition, IPA, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
11. vol. - 9. vol. „Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2009.
12. vol. - 10. vol. „Ido – Ruch dla Kultury / Movement for Culture”, 2010.
13. vol. – 11. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2011 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
14. vol. - Cynarski W.J. [ed.] (2011), Selected Areas of Intercultural Dialogue in Martial Arts, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego / Rzeszów University Press, Rzeszów [monograph with review by Prof. A. Szyszko-Bohusz - collected work in English].
15. vol. - Cynarski W.J. (2012), Martial arts Phenomenon – Research and Multidisciplinary Interpretation, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [monograph, in English].
16. vol. - Cynarski W.J. (2012), Antropologia sztuk walki. Studia i szkice z socjologii i filozofii sztuk walki, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in Polish].
17. vol. - 12. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2012 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
18. - 13. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2013 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
19. - 14. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2014 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
20. vol. - Cynarski Wojciech J., Nizioł Anna [eds.] (2015), Proceedings of the 3rd IMACSSS International Conference, and 3rd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts, Rzeszów, Poland, Oct. 15-17 2014 [in English].
21. - 15. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2015 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
22. vol. - Cynarski W.J. (2015), Turystyka naukowa w perspektywie socjologii wizualnej, Katedra Kulturowych Podstaw Wychowania Fizycznego, Turystyki i Rekreacji WWF UR, Rzeszów [in Polish].
23. – 16. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2016 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
24. – 17. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2017 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
25. Cynarski W.J. (2019), Sztuki walki i sporty walki. W kierunku ogólnej teorii, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Katedra, Gdańsk [in Polish] // Cynarski W.J. (2019), Martial Arts & Combat Sports: Towards the General Theory of Fighting Arts, Wydawnictwo Naukowe Katedra, Gdańsk [in English].
26. – 18. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2018 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
27. - 19. vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2019 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
28. – 20. Vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2020 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
29. Cynarski W.J. (2020), Tourism of martial Arts: social-cultural perspective, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in English, and in Polish].
30. - 21. Vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2021 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
31. Cynarski W.J. (2021), Leksykon sztuk walki. Mistrzowie i ich szkoły / Lexicon of fighting arts. Masters and their schools, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in English, and in Polish].
32. - 22. Vol., no. 1-5 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2022 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
33. Cynarski W.J. (2022), Filozofia sztuk walki / Philosophy of martial arts, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in English, and in Polish].
34. 23. Vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture. Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2023 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
35. Cynarski W.J. (2023), Sociologia sztuk walki / Sociology of fighting arts, Wydawnictwo UR / Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in English, and in Polish].
36. Cynarski W.J. (2024), Japanese Kobudō: Prolegomena to the Anthropology of Martial Arts / Japońskie kobudō. Prolegomena do antropologii sztuk walki, Wydawnictwo UR / Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in Polish and English].
37. 24. Vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2024 [in
English, with Polish abstracts].
38. Cynarski W.J. (2024), Karate w perspektywie antropologii / Karate in the Perspective of Anthropology, Wydawnictwo UR / Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in Polish and English].
39. 25. Vol., no. 1-4 “Ido Movement for Culture Journal of Martial Arts Anthropology”, 2025 [in English, with Polish abstracts].
III. Other important publications
1. Acevedo William, Gutiérrez Carlos, Mei Cheung (2010), Breve Historia del Kung-Fu, Nowtilus, Madrid [in Spanish].
2. Ambroży Tadeusz (2008), Struktura treningu ju-jitsu, COS, Warszawa [in Polish].
3. Araujo Paulo Coelho de, Fachardo Jaqueira Ana Rosa (2008), Do jogo das imagens as imagens do jogo. Nuances de interpretacao iconografica sobre a Capoeira, Centro de Etudos Biocineticos, Coimbra [in Portuguese].
4. Binhack Axel (1998), Über das Kämpfen. Zum Phänomen des Kampfes in Sport und Gesellschaft, Campus Verlag Frankfurt - New York [in German].
Bolelli Daniele (2008), On the Warrior’s Path. Philosophy, Fighting, and Martial Arts Mythology, 2nd edn., Blue Snake Books, Berkeley, Calif. [in English].
5. Borysiuk Zbigniew (2009), Modern Saber Fencing: Technique - Tactics - Training - Research, SwordPlay Books, Staten Island, NY [in English].
6. Cynarski Wojciech J. (2000), Sztuki walki budō w kulturze Zachodu, Wydawnictwo WSP, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
7. Cynarski W.J. (2002), Proces globalizacji. Dialog kultur czy konflikt wartości?, Instytut Europejskich Studiów Społecznych w Rzeszowie, Rzeszów [in Polish].
8. Cynarski W.J., (2003), Globalizacja a spotkanie kultur, Wydawnictwo UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
9. Cynarski W.J. (2004), Teoria i praktyka dalekowschodnich sztuk walki w perspektywie europejskiej, UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
10. Cynarski W.J. (2006), Recepcja i internalizacja etosu dalekowschodnich sztuk walki przez osoby ćwiczące, UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
11. Cynarski W.J. (2008), Spotkania, konflikty, dialogi. Analiza wybranych obszarów kultury fizycznej i turystyki kulturowej, UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
12. Cynarski W.J. (2010), Spotkania, konflikty, dialogi. Analiza wybranych obszarów kultury fizycznej i turystyki kulturowej, completed 2nd edn., UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstract].
13. Cynarski W.J. (2017), Czas wolny, turystyka i rekreacja w perspektywie socjologicznej, Universitas, Kraków [in Polish].
14. Cynarski W.J. [ed.] (2008), Budo, kakugi, jindo – Martial arts, combat sports, humanism, 2nd International Conference Proceedings, April 25-26 2008, Rzeszów University Press, Rzeszów [in English].
15. Cynarski Wojciech J., Blazejewski Wojciech, Pasterniak Wojciech (2016), Pedagogika nowoparadygmatyczna. W poszukiwaniu nowych inspiracji i aplikacji pedagogicznych. Monografia tematyczna, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów [in Polish].
16. Cynarski W.J., Kalina R.M., Obodyński K. [eds.] (2006), 1st World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts. Proceedings, PTNKF, Rzeszów [in English].
17. Cynarski W.J., Kubala K., Obodyński K. [eds.] (2010), 2nd World Scientific Congress of Combat Sports and Martial Arts Proceedings, September 17-19 2010, Rzeszów [in English].
18. Cynarski W.J., Nizioł A. [eds.] (2014), 3rd IMACSSS International Conference Abstract Book, Rzeszow University Press, Rzeszów.
19. Cynarski W.J., Obodyński K. [eds.] (2003), Humanistyczna teoria sztuk i sportów walki – koncepcje i problemy, UR, Rzeszów [in Polish, with English abstracts].
20. Czajkowski Zbigniew (2005), Understanding Fencing. The Unity of Theory and Practice, SKA SwordPlay Books, Staten Island, NY [in English].
21. Donohue John J. (1994), Warriors Dreams. The Martial Arts and the American Imagination, Bergin & Garvey, Westport, Connecticut – London [in English].
22. Draeger D.F., Smith R.W. (1980), Comprehensive Asian Fighting Arts, Kodansha International, Tokyo – New York – London [in English].
23. Erdmann Włodzimierz S., Zieniawa Ryszard (2011), Biomechanika Judo, AWFiS, Gdańsk [in Polish].
24. Figueiredo Abel A. [ed.] (2009), Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports. Proceedings, 16th-17th May 2009, Viseu-Portugal [in English].
25. Figueiredo Abel A., Gutiérrez-Garcia Carlos [eds.] (2011), Scientific Congress on Martial Arts and Combat Sports, Viseu – Portugal. Proceedings, Viseu [in English].
26. Green Thomas A., Svinth Joseph R. [eds.] (2003), Martial Arts in the Modern Word, Praeger, Westport [in English].
27. Habersetzer Roland (2007), Tengu. Ma voie martial, Amphora, Paris [in French].
28. Hall David A. (2012), Encyclopedia of Japanese Martial Arts, Kodansha USA, New York [in English].
29. Harrison Eugen J. (1912), The Fighting Spirit of Japan, W. Foulsham & Co., Sterling Publ. Co., New York [in English].
30. Jakhel Rudolf (1998), Modern Sports Karate. Basics of Technique and Tactics, Aachen [in English].
31. Jazarin J. (1960), Esprit du judo, Paris [in French].
32. Jennings George (2023), Reinventing Martial Arts in the 21st Century. Eastern Stimulus, Western Response, Peter Lang, New York – Berlin – Brussels – Lousanne – Oxford [in English].
33. Jones David E. [ed.] (2002), Combat, Ritual, and Performance. Anthropology of the Martial Arts, Praeger, Westport, Connecticut – London [in English].
34. Kalina Roman M. (1997), Sporty walki i trening samoobrony w edukacji obronnej młodzieży, PTNKF, Warszawa [in Polish].
35. Kalina R.M., Kruszewski A., Jagiełło W., Włoch G. (2003), Combat Sports Propedeutics – Basis of Judo, AWF, Warszawa [in English and Polish].
36. Kernspecht Keith R. (1988), Vom Zweikampf. Strategie, Taktik, Physiologie, Psychologie und Geschichte der waffenlosen Selbstverteidigung, Burg-Fehmarn [in German].
37. Kernspecht K.R. (2011), Kampflogik 3: die Praxis des Treffens & Nicht-getroffen-Werdens, EWTO-Verlag [in German].
38. Kernspecht K.R. (2013), Die Essenz des WingTsun, EWTO-Verlag [in German].
39. Kernspecht K.R. (2014), Inner WingTsun, EWTO-Verlag [in English].
40. Kim D., Back A. (2000), The way to go: philosophy in martial arts practice, Nanam, Seoul, Korea [in English].
41. Kiyota M., Kinoshita H. [eds.] (1990), Japanese martial arts and American sports: cross cultural perspectives on means to personal growth, Nihon University, Tokyo [in English].
42. Klinger-Klingerstorff Hubert (2010), Judo und Judo-Do: Die hohe Schule des Kampfes, Verlag Dr. G. Borotha-Schoeler, new edn. DDBV, Wien [in German].
43. Kogel Helmut (2010), Kata Bunkai. Die geheimen techniken im Karate, Meyer & Meyer Verlag, Aachen [in German].
44. Kozdraś Grzegorz (2018), Sztuka walki judo metodą wspomagania rozwoju uczniów w szkole podstawowej, Uniwersytet Opolski, Opole [in Polish].
45. Kuwamori M., Figueiredo A., Bennett A., Koyama K., Matsuo M., Ishimatsu-Prime M., Yokoyama N., Kalina R.M., Honda S., Cynarski W.J. [eds.] (2013), Proceedings of the 2013 International Budo Conference by the Japanese Academy of Budo, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba [in English].
46. Lee-Barron J.R. (2011), The Complete Martial Arts Instructor. A Manual of Teaching Martial Arts effectively and Safety, Lulu Publishing, Morrisvile, NC. [in English].
47. Maliszewski Michael (1996), Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts, Charles E. Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont – Tokyo [in English].
48. Maroteaux Roland J. (1995), L’esprit du ju-jitsu traditionnel. Historique, esotérique, technique, autoedycja (2nd edn), Avignon [in French].
49. Maroteaux R.J. (2007), Les vertus martiales – Butoku, autoedition, Barcelona [French/English].
50. Maroteaux R.J. (2012), The Mobile Stability of the Body (Traditional Martial Arts and Combat Sports), autoedition, Avignon [in English].
51. Matsunaga Hikaru et al. (2009), Budō: The Martial Ways of Japan, Nippon Budokan Foundation, Tokyo [in English].
52. Mattson Georg E. (1963), The Way of Karate, Tokyo [in English].
53. Moenig Udo (2015), Taekwondo – From a martial art to a martial sport, Routledge, London [in English].
54. Mor-Stabilini Sergio (2016), The Ancient Art of the Japanese Sword. The ancient school of Tenshin Shōden Katori Shintō Ryū along historical, cultural and spiritual path, Jitakyoei Budo, Bergamo [in English].
55. Newman Bill (2005), Escrima, WuShu-Verlag Kernspecht, Burg/Fehmarn [in German].
56. Pieter Willy, Heijmans J. (1997), Scientific coaching for Olympic taekwondo, Meyer & Meyer Verlag, Aachen [in English].
57. Piwowarski Juliusz (2020), Nauki o bezpieczeństwie. Kultura bezpieczeństwa i redefinicja środowiska bezpieczeństwa, Difin, Warszawa [in Polish].
58. Raimondo Sergio [ed.] (2007), Vibrazioni nella Forza. Storia critica delle discipline orientali, Persport / Edizioni la Meridiana, Molfetta [in Italian].
59. Raimondo S. [ed.] (2013), Gioco, Drama, Rito. Nelle arti marziali e negli sport da combattimento, Exorma, Roma [in Italian].
60. Raimondo S., Gutierrez-Garcia C., Perez-Gutierrez M. [eds.] (2012), Game, Drama, Ritual in Martial Arts and Combat Sports. Proceedings of the 1st IMACSSS International Conference, Genoa, Italy, 8-10 June [in English].
61. Reguli Zdenko, Durech M., Vit M. (2007), Teorie a didaktika upolu ve skolni telesne vychove, Masarykova Univerzita, Brno [in Czech].
62. Saldern Matthias von (2009), Bushido. Ethik des japanischen Ritters, 2nd edn., UL, Lüneburg [in German].
63. Saldern M. von [ed.] (2011), Meisterung des Ichs. Budo zur Gewaltprävention?, Books on Demand GmbH, Nordstedt [in German].
64. Sawicki Zbigniew (2020), Palcaty – staropolska szermierka na kije. Od sądów bożych do narodowej sztuki walki, Wydawnictwo Signum Polonicum, Zawiercie [in Polish].
65. Shahar Meir (2008), The Shaolin Monastery. History, Religion, and the Chinese Martial Arts, University of Hawai’I Press, Honolulu [in English].
66. Słopecki Jan (2012), Wprowadzenie do teorii i metodyki nauczania sztuk walki (na podstawie systemów jūjutsu), Międzynarodowa Federacja Modern Ju-Jitsu, Głogów [in Polish].
67. Somera Antonio E. (1998), The secrets of Giron arnis escrima, Charles E. Tuttle, Boston [in English].
68. Spring Charles (2015), Martial Arts: Application in Higher Education, Ex-L-Ence Publishing, England [in English].
69. Sterkowicz Stanisław (1992), Charakterystyka wybranych wskaźników określających stan przygotowań zawodników karate, Wyd. AWF, Kraków [in Polish].
70. Sterkowicz S. (1998), Ju-jitsu. Wybrane aspekty sztuki walki obronnej, Wyd. AWF, Kraków [in Polish].
71. Takagi Takeshi (1984), A Comparaison of Bushido and Chivalry, T. Matsuno, Osaka [in English].
72. Tiwald Horst (2013), Psycho-Training im WingTsun, Taiji und Budo-Sport, Ostheim, EWTO-Verlag [in German].
73. Tokarski Stanisław (1989), Sztuki walki. Ruchowe formy ekspresji filozofii Wschodu, Glob, Szczecin [in Polish].
74. Uozumi Takashi, Bennett Alexander [eds.] (2010), The History and Spirit of Budō. IBU Budō Series Vol. 1, IBU, Katsuura [in English].
75. Vit Michal, Reguli Zdenko (2015), The Role of Combatives Teaching in Physical Education, Masaryk University, Faculty of Sport Studies, Brno [in English].
76. Wolters Jörg-Michael, Fuβmann A. [eds.] (2008), Budo – Pädagogik. Kampf-Kunst in Erziehung, Therapie und Coaching, Ziel – Praktische Erlebnispädagogik, Augsburg [in German].
77. Yi Duk-moo, Park Je-ga (2000), Muye Dobo Tongji. Comprehensive Illustrated Manual of Martial Arts. By order of King Jungjo, transl. by Sang H. Kim, Turtle Press, Hartford [in English].
78. Zabłocki Wojciech (1989), Cięcia prawdziwą szablą, SiT, Warszawa [in Polish].
79. Zabłocki W. (2000), Polskie sztuki walki. Miecz oburęczny i szabla husarska, Wyd. Aula, Podkowa Leśna [in Polish].
80. Zabłocki W. (2011), Szable świata, Bosz / Bellona, Warszawa [in Polish].
81. Zarrilli Phillip (1998/2000), When the Body Becomes All Eyes: Paradigms, Practices, and Discourses of Power in Kalarippayattu, a South Indian Martial Art, Oxford University Press, New Delhi [in English].
82. Zeng Howard Z., Cynarski Wojciech J. (2016), Participation Motivations of Taekwondo Athletes/Students, LAP/Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken [in English].
83. Zeng H.Z., Cynarski W.J., Xie Lisheng (2013), Martial Arts Anthropology, Participants’ Motivation and Behaviours. Martial Arts in Chanshu: Participants’ Motivation, Practice Times and Health Behaviours, Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrücken [in English].